Post 8: A subject you enjoyed studying

 The subject that I have enjoyed the most these almost 3 semesters of classes has been a module of the field of abiotic components of ecosystems, with the Professor Benito Martinez, in this module we focus on fauna in general and species of Chile, also on how it's their classification depending on the characteristics they possess.

I really enjoyed this module because I have always been interested in the field of animals, and in the future I would also like to work on their conservation, as well as that of flora.

I liked learning and understanding in the module where animals come from, their evolution, how they are classified, their physiological and morphological characteristics, and their taxonomy, in short, it's very interesting to know about the animal kingdom.

Before starting this module I had an idea of ​​what I was going to work, we had already been studying the same aspects but with respect to plant species, so it helped me a lot to have a good disposition.


  1. This subject is very entertaining although I am still torn between the subject of abiotic and biotic components 😵

  2. in 9th semester you will have another interesting course with Professor Estades about that subject :D


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