
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2021

POST 8: English Language Challenges

 By taking the English test when I matriculated at the university, I was able to homologate the first two classes of English, and this online context has been easier than I expected, I don't know if it would have been different in presencial but I liked that they haven't been a bad load at the university. Regarding blogs, the truth is that they are done quite quickly, although sometimes one tends to use the translator, however, this week the blogs became very exhausting because I did four in one pass, luckily this is the last one (I think) haha. Regarding my English I must improve my pronunciation, in my mind it sounds great but when I speak it sounds horrible haha, I also have to improve my nerves when speaking, because I get very nervous and not remembering or knowing the word I want to say well makes me feel much more nervous in the situation of having a fluent conversation, although if I spoke with a foreigner I wouldn't be so nervous, it's more the nerves regarding


 To begin, I'm in my second year in the degree of forestry engineering, where I have only gone to university twice and I have gone to outdoors of 3 days in all this time, when most of the time the degree in a normal state happens in making land than in the university, so I will only talk about how little I know. Until now I wouldn't change anything in the curriculum of the career since all the branches are related in some way, so taking one wouldn't give good results, I would like if the number of years that the career lasts would be shortened, in Spain for example It only lasts 3 years, it would still be great, especially in my case, I don't have any scholarship or gratuity so 5 years is a lot of money in monthly payments. As I said before, I have only been to the university twice, in green areas it is very beautiful and rustic, but the infrastructure leaves a lot to be desired, it is all very small and very old; Regarding technology, I don't know what to say to th

POST 6: Time travel to the future

 The truth is that I don't know if I would like to travel through time, because knowing myself I would travel to intervene in some important event of humanity, which could change everything that we know in that reality; and if I traveled to the future it would be to know what would happen to my family and my life, so I feel that all things go through something so I would rather let life surprise me. However, I would like to travel far back in time, to the triassic period to meet dinosaurs, I don't know exactly where specifically because the planet earth has undergone several changes geographically, I am happy to get to a place where there is a great diversity of dinosaurs and plants; I know it sounds dangerous but I would love to have seen them in their natural environment; maybe I will die in a few seconds, maybe not, and if I don't die so soon I would like to see as many dinosaurs as possible and at the same time see the nature that existed before and without human interv

POST 5: My future job

 Obviously I would like to work on something related to my career, I'm studying forestry engineering, I chose this career because I want to help the conservation of plant species in Chile and help in a certain way to raise awareness and educate people regarding the importance of the conservation of nature; That is why I would like to be part of the CONAF and work in a park to be outdoors, in direct contact with nature and the people who are going to visit them, in order to teach them how important it's and how we should take care of protected areas. In the same way, even if I worked in Chile, I would like to travel to increase my knowledge in another country, perhaps do a magister to specialize in some subject, I would like something related to fauna; I would also like to travel to know new species of plants and the places that obviously host them. The truth is, I wouldn't expect to earn a lot of money, my future plans do not involve having a family, so the living expenses